Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

The first day of 2011 started off slow due to a little rain. No longer being able to go to the market, a lot of us assumed we would get to go back to sleep. No way! First Jan took us to see the penguins at Table Mountain National Park. Immediately the penguins stole our hearts! After spending an hour posing, waddling, and dancing with the penguins, it was time to continue our day.

While driving to Cape of Good Hope, Jan and our driver warned us about seeing baboons in the roads and off to the sides. In no time all were at the windows with our cameras taking pictures of the baboons that were playing nearby. Finally making it up to the Cape of Good Hope site, everyone began preparing for the venture up then mountain. Every so often a break was taken and numerous amounts of pictures were taken. We all made it to the top of the mountain and it was gorgeous! Each day we are realizing more and more how beautiful this country is. On the way to the bottom of the coast some had the opportunity to be driven down or take the hike. About six students decided to hike and made it down to the coast feeling accomplished.

In an attempt to exit Cape of Good Hope there was an odd traffic jam. We finally realized that the hold up was due to baboons in the street again! This time, however, ostriches accompanied them but were off to the side. On the way back we stopped at an interesting cliff-like area that gave us the opportunity to view the entire city. From that very spot we were also able to view Pollsmoor Prison, where Nelson Mandela was unconditionally released after serving 27 years in prison.

Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!